Comparing Numbers

Knowing Our Numbers I - Concepts
Class - 6th Foundation NTSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Comparing Numbers

Comparing Numbers:

In comparison of numbers we will learn to compare 4-digit numbers. The same rules are applied to compare numbers having more than 4 digits.

To learn and understand comparison of numbers the rules are generalized here:

Different Number of Digits

If two numbers which are to be compared do not have same number of digits, the number with more number of digits is greater.  

(i) The number of 2 digits is greater than the number of one digit.

(ii) The number of 3 digits is greater than the number having 2 or 1 digit.

(iii) The number of 4 digits is greater than 3 or 2 or 1 digit number.

(iv) 5-digit number > 4-digit number > 3-digit number ………… etc.

(v) 6-digit number > 5-digit number > 4-digit number ………… etc. As: 10 > 9,

100 > 99 > 9,

239 > 98, 1250 > 998,

23051 > 8735

351246 > 92835 > 5298 > 376 > 93.

Same Number of Digits

(a) If two numbers have the same number of digits, we compare them on the basis of the first digit from the left. The number with the greater extreme left digit is greater.

In 634 and 336 the digits at the left in 634 is 6 and in 336 is 3

Also 6 > 3

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

How many centimeters make a meter ?

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

(i) By arranging the numbers in Assending order means arrangement of the numbers from the smallest to the greatest

(ii) By arranging the numbers in Assending order means arrangement of the numbers from the greatest to the smallest

(iii) By arranging the numbers in Descending order means arrangement of the numbers from the greatest to the smallest

(iv) By arranging the numbers in Descending order means arrangement of the numbers from the smallest to the greatest

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Which one of the following is the smallest seven digits number having four different digits.

Right Option : D
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